Mindfulness with Music and Movement
The movement in these classes is based on Yin yoga. Yin yoga offers a focus on stillness and an emphasis on longer deeper stretches of the connective tissues. Most other styles of yoga move quickly and focus on muscle tissues. Yin moves slowly and stretches more deeply into the body.
I host one hour classes of only four people, that are suitable for all abilities. [You just need to be able to get down onto the floor!] You do not need to worry about being asked to do complicated contortions. Yin yoga is not like that. The small group ensures individual needs are met with alternative asanas [poses] offered when necessary.
The practice of Yin yoga is perfect for anyone who wants to carve a meditative hour out of their otherwise frantic day. If you say you don't have time for this...... you actually do need Yin! Breathe and slow down.
I host mindfulness with music and movement classes twice a week.
Classes are $17.00.
I offer two classes a week but will schedule more sessions if there is a demand.

4.45 pm Thursday
5.45 pm Friday
If you are interested in trying a session please ring me. 027 687 455
You are able to claim your costs back via Smeaep.